Episode 116: Tomato Troubles

Episode 116: Tomato Troubles

Cold and wet are not ideal conditions for growing tomatoes and that was the hand we were dealt this spring. As it is finally starting to warm up, we diagnose a few common tomato problems and help you move forward to juicy, abundant tomato success. Listen to "116:...
Episode 115: Questions from the Floor

Episode 115: Questions from the Floor

All day, every day, we are inundated with questions from customers. We have great plants, we have great people and it makes sense that folks come here seeking answers about the former from the latter. With the help of a few of their co-workers, Erin and Justin share...
Episode 114: Hydrangeas are Happening.

Episode 114: Hydrangeas are Happening.

Hydrangeas are happy in the Northwest … their blooms are showy and vibrant. The variety is at its best right now at Valley. Justin and Erin chat about how to make them thrive in your landscape with tips on watering, fertilizing and placement. They even dabble in...

Episode 113: What Now? May

The warm wonderful days we have been waiting for are finally here! What are you supposed to be doing in the garden right now? Duh! Everything! We have the tips on what to prioritize and how to keep things looking incredible as you bring them home and add them to your...
Episode 112: Zone Pushers

Episode 112: Zone Pushers

There comes a time in our gardening journey when we want to try something new, something harder. Adding a zone pusher is exactly what you CAN do add a plant that will reward you for your TLC simply by surviving and being cool. Justin and Erin discuss a few of the...

Episode 111: Lotta Veggies for a Little Sun

Shade is more common than bright sunny spots in these parts. Let that NOT be a hinderance to you having a successful vegetable garden. If you have a spot big enough for a pot that gets more than 4 hours of direct sunlight (when the sun shines) then YOU TOO can grow...