To prepare for the Kitsap Rose Society Rose Display at Valley Nursery on June 26, we chatted with Master Consulting Rosarian Elena Williams about selecting and growing roses in the PNW. Listen to "Episode 29: A rose is a rose is a rose" on Spreaker. You can also find...
No one is safe from weeds. This cool, wet spring has been glorious for the weeds and gardeners can’t win but we CAN make progress. This episode identifies some of the more common weeds in our region and offers advice on how limit spreading. Listen to "28: Weeds...
Peonies are in full bloom in Kitsap County and in this episode, we chat with Rebecca from Persephone Farm about these stunning spring bloomers. Listen to "27: The Ephemeral Peony" on Spreaker. You can also find the Podcast available on these...
Showy hydrangeas are the undeniable scene stealer of most northwest gardens – regardless of time (and money) spent curating a stunning garden, a full blooming hydrangea is always bound to get attention. Rightly so. With an abundance of variety and color, these...
The ultimate garden vegetable is here and ready to be planted. Tomatoes are in stock and hearty and beautiful and Vallery Nursery’s owner and tomato grower extraordinaire Brad Watts chats with us about his sure-fire strategy for home-grown love apples (that is a...
With so many different perennials, it’s difficult to choose favorites. Sun loving, shade loving, tall, squat, spreading, robust, delicate … dang folks, we’ve got them all. Erin & Justin chat about a few of their favorites and the benefits of...
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